Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Dunstan Method

Add a mother's instinct plus a musician's ear together and what do you get?

A whole new way of understanding and unlocking the meanings behind your baby's cry.

The Dunstan System, a method of learning how to read a baby's cries, was created after Australian opera singer Priscilla Dunstan observed, interpreted, and responded to her son's cries. Essentially, babies communicate their needs by crying for different reasons, and if you listen carefully, you will begin to notice that a unique need elicits a different sound of cry.

The Dunstan DVD will help parents learn the different types of crying there are and what they mean so they can know whether baby needs to be burped, changed, fed, held, or put to sleep. This method is a revolutionary new way of taking care of your baby -- not simply by a schedule or a clock -- but by truly connecting with your baby even without words.

Pick up your Dunstan DVD at Hot Mama through the end of January and receive 10% off your DVD purchase. Just mention: Hot Mama blog. (LL)

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