Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Picasso, Motherhood, 1901

The staff of Hot Mama Maternity and Baby aWEARness wish you a very happy Mother's Day and share some thoughts about being a mom.

Mel, owner, Hot Mama Maternity
I adore being a mom. It's when my son looks up at me and for no reason at all says "Mommy, I love you." It just melts my heart every time. I also adore when my daughter is nursing and she strokes my hair and smiles at me with her eyes; she absolutely warms my soul with one look.

Anna, store manager, Hot Mama Maternity
I guess I never realized the saying my own mom said to me when I was little, "You'll never know real unconditional love until you become a mom." And she's right on that one. I love being a mom because it gives me joy to see my own child grow each day. I love that I am the one resposible in his deveploment. He is beautiful and perfect to me. I love him for all his little smiles, touches, stares, sounds. I can't wait for more of what's to come. I especially love him because he is one created together by me and my loving husband.

Ashley, owner, Baby aWEARness
My favorite thing about being a mother is watching my little baby intellectually and physically develop. Everyday she learns something new and it is amazing.

I love the joy on my son's face when he makes new discoveries and tells me stories and when he attacks me with kisses.

Julliet, store manager, Baby aWEARness
I love hearing the sound of my children's laughter; I love watching them learn and discover their inner strengths through experiences they encounter. I'm their biggest fan and am honored to be their mom. My own appreciation for my mom has deepened through my experiences. happy Mother's Day ~ here's to us!

Laughing and playing with my little one is a lot of fun. My baby has a great sense of humor.

Care to share about your favorite part or moment about being a mom? We would love to know!

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