Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hot Mama is having an End of the Year Big Blowout Sale!!!

We are having an end of the year big blowout sale! If you want to start your holiday shopping early, starting Saturday nov 27th, all maternity apparel is 35% off including already reduced maternity apparel. Shop our maternity clothes for beautiful clothing at great prices. Our trendsetting selection of maternity clothes sale items includes tops, tees, pants, jeans, skirts, dresses, nursing tops, nursing gowns. 

Visit us at Manoa Marketplace.

Happy Holidays!!

*Some restrictions apply

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Choosing the Pump That's Right for You

It’s a well known fact that breast feeding has significant benefits to both mother and baby. (Breast Feeding Experts Weigh in on SIDS)(Breastfeeding Cuts Breast Cancer Risk)(Breast Feeding Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease) Previous blogs discussed how over 60% of the 4 million pregnant women in America are currently employed and the majority will want to return to the workforce soon after delivery. (Is Pregnancy a Disability?)( Breastfeeding and the Law) This should not be a deterrent for breastfeeding and therefore, it becomes extremely important for women to be encouraged to continue to breastfeed their newborns in a safe, efficient, and effective way while still carrying on their daily work lives. Since women are not available for demand feeding, it becomes vital to know how to use a breast pump so another caregiver can provide milk for the newborn. The blog this week will deal with the nuances of choosing the correct breast pump.

Who should use a breast pump?

Learning how to use a pump is important in the following situations:
1.Women returning to work and not available for feeding.

2.Premature infants lacking a good suck reflex can benefit from breast milk that is pumped making it easier for them to feed.

3.Mom is unable to breastfeed due to sickness.

4.Infants having difficulty removing milk from the breast due to anatomy when other techniques to correct fail (flat or inverted nipples of the mom or a facial abnormality in the infant).

How does the breast pump work?

Pumping milk from the breast has its origins from the dairy industry in the 1950”s by Einar Egnell. Pumps have been designed to simulate the sucking action of a nursing infant by mimicking both the suction pressure and the frequency of a baby’s suckling. Pumps are designed so that the amount of pressure and the cycle frequency can be regulated by the mother.
The volume of expressed milk with a breast pump is higher compared to manual expression.


The pump has to have enough pressure to extract milk from the breast but not so high that it causes pain and skin trauma. The pump relies on the physics of a fluid moving from an area of higher pressure to an area of of lower pressure. The breast pump creates a pressure differential with negative pressure on the breast reducing the resistance to the outflow of milk from the milk ducts of the mother, which is at a higher pressure. Babies breast feed with a suction pressure of 50–220 mm Hg so the pumps are designed to suck at maximum negative pressures at about 220–250 mm Hg. Levels at less that 150 mm Hg are ineffective in emptying the breast and pressures greater than 220 mm Hg cause nipple pain which will result in the mother terminating her breast feeding.

Pumps can vary in the configuration of the flange (cup applied to the breast). The smaller the cup, the more pressure is exerted over a smaller area of space.


The other important factor is the length of time the vacuum is applied. Babies suck at a frequency of between 40 and 126 sucks per minute and pumps are designed to mimic the breast by pumping at 40–60 cycles per minute.

How do you select the proper breast pump?

There are so many pumps available today with countless cycle and suction settings, different sizes, power sources, single vs. double set-ups and varying prices that it becomes a great enigma in choosing the right one for an individual. Important considerations in choosing a breast pump include baby’s age, mother’s work needs (full time or part time), support from the mother’s work environment, mother’s finances,and family’s health insurance. Price differences can be based on the durability of the motor, length of the manufacturers warranty, style of packaging, personal amenities, and have single or double set-ups.

Talking with a lactation consultant before you leave the hospital can help you sort through the morass of information. Many pumps are generally not refundable once used so trialing in the hospital or through a lactation consultant may be a good idea. Here are some of the factors to consider when deciding .


The cost of a breast pump is approximately 1,500 dollars for a hospital grade variety to about 150–350 dollars for a personal use style. Prices will increase depending upon the accessories that are packaged with it. Pumps can also be rented for from 30 to 75 dollars per month. but mothers will need to buy all the accessories which include bottles, tubing, and breast flanges for about 50 dollars. If plans are to pump for several months, it may be more valuable to purchase one. Personal breast pumps in the long run are cheaper than formula which can run over 2,000 dollars a year.

Single vs. double pumping

Bilateral pumping is quicker and use more powerful machines with greater cycles per minute and use more pressure to express a greater amount of milk in less time.

For women that use a single pump, the breast should be switched every 5 minutes. It may take 15 to 20 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes with a double pump.

Power source

Electric pumps produce the most milk, followed by battery operated pumps and finally hand pumps. Some pumps have car adapters. For a non-working mother who does occasional pumping, a hand pump or small battery operated pump can work well. Try to make sure the pump has a one year warranty on the motor.

Other factors to consider

Noise level, ease of use and assembly, and difficulty in cleaning are also variables that must be considered when choosing a breast pump. Also ease of obtaining spare parts is a consideration.

Other accessories

Some pumps have more discreet carrying cases to make for easy transport. Also some packages contain gel or ice packs to keep the milk cool.

Different Categories of Pumps

Hand pumps

Two different types exist:

Milk can be pumped from many kinds of mothers. This one has four spigots instead of two.

a.Cylinder pump—Has a double cylinder set-up with suction created by pushing and pulling one cylinder inside the other.

The main problem can be the gasket inside which may need replacement because of shrinkage or its inability to maintain a seal after continued use. The gasket can also harbor bacteria.

b.Hand squeeze pump— Suction is created with a hand lever that is squeezed and released.

The advantage is that it is portable, easy to use, quick to assemble, no need for electricity, and is inexpensive.

The disadvantage is the difficulty in obtaining a good milk supply due to difficulty in cycling at baby’s normal suck reflex. Many have a poor suction or excessive suction. Women can also fatigue easily with continued use, especially those with wrist problems or carpal tunnel syndrome (very common in pregnancy.)

Semi-automatic pumps

These pumps can be used manually, with a battery or with an electric adapter. The motor is generally small and not meant for frequent use.

The advantage is that they are portable, lightweight, small and do not require electricity. They can be double and often come with a cooler case.

The disadvantage is that they are not meant for heavy use and are not very durable. The short battery life can be expensive. The cycle frequency slows as the battery wears down. Some can also be noisy.

Personal use electric double pumps

These are automatic, light weight, durable, portable, and double-pump with controls to regulate the pressure and frequency for comfort. They generally include chill packs and storage compartments. They are run by electricity but can have battery and adapters included.

Hospital grade rentals

These are the most powerful and effective with different control settings for suction and frequency. They are the most expensive. Physically, they are large and heavy, and not meant to be portable. Therefore, there is no carrying case and no compartments for storing milk. They run on electricity. They are designed to be multi-user and you must supply your own collection kit which generally must match the pump brand.

Are there FDA standards for breast pumps?

In the United States, there are currently no standards for breast pumps to ensure the safety and quality of the products. However, the FDA does consider personal (not industrial) pumps to be used by one person only. Unfortunately certain pumps are impossible to clean and can produce high bacterial counts making a woman more prone to infection which is a reason not to buy or share a used personal pump.


Choosing the right breast pump depends upon the individual needs of each mother. Factors to consider include the home and work situation, the amount of use, and cost factors. The assistance of a qualified lactation consultant is indispensable in guiding a new mom in choosing what works best for each given situation.

Some helpful information about breastfeeding

Why should I breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is normal and healthy for infants and moms. Breast milk has disease-fighting cells called antibodies that help protect infants from germs, illness, and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of various health problems for babies, including:

Ear infections
Stomach viruses
Respiratory infections
Atopic dermatis
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Childhood leukemia
Necrotizing enterocolitis, a gastrointestinal disease in preterm infants
Learn more about why breastfeeding is important.

In moms, breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression. Infant formula cannot match the exact chemical makeup of human milk, especially the cells, hormones, and antibodies that fight disease. For most babies, breast milk is easier to digest than formula. It takes time for their stomachs to adjust to digesting proteins in formula because they are made from cow's milk.

How long should I breastfeed?

Many leading health organizations recommend that most infants breastfeed for at least 12 months, with exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. This means that babies are not given any foods or liquids other than breast milk for the first 6 months. These recommendations are supported by organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American College of Nurse-Midwives, American Dietetic Association, and American Public Health Association.

Should I supplement with formula?

Giving your baby formula may cause him or her to not want as much breast milk. This will decrease your milk supply. If you are worried that your baby is not eating enough, talk to your baby’s doctor.

Does my baby need cereal or water?

Your baby only needs breast milk for the first six months of life. Breast milk alone will provide all the nutrition your baby needs. Giving the baby cereal may cause your baby to not want as much breast milk. This will decrease your milk supply. Even in hot climates, breastfed infants do not need water or juice. When your baby is ready for other foods, they should be iron-rich.

Is it okay for my baby to use a pacifier?

If you want to try it, it is best to wait until the baby is one month old to introduce a pacifier. This allows the baby to learn how to latch well on the breast and get enough to eat.

Is my baby getting enough vitamin D?

All infants and children, including those who are exclusively breastfed and those who are fed formula, should have at least 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin D per day. This should start during the first two months of life. Vitamin D is important for building strong bones. You can buy supplements for infants at a drug store or grocery store. Sunlight is a major source of vitamin D, but it is hard to measure how much sunlight your baby gets and too much sun can be harmful. Ask your baby’s doctor about vitamin D as well as sun exposure.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Clothing Swap Time!

The next Hot Mama Networking Event is coming up on September 30th at 6:30 p.m.!

Here are our simple 1-2-3's of swapping with style and ease:

1) LET IT GO!!!
Clean out your closet of  gently used/brand new clothes, bags and accessories that you don't fit and haven't worn in the past 6 months.  Once you have completed your closet move on to your little ones closet and do the same thing. Remember, what you think is your trash is sure to be someone else's  treasure!  Assist us in making this process easier by separating and  labeling your clothing by size. (you can separate it in different bags, or by putting a piece of masking tape on the item with the size. This will make our job a LOT easier!

2) DROP IT!!!
Drop all of your labeled and separated clean clothes, bags, and accessories to Baby Awearness/Hot Mama during normal business hours September 20-26, 2010. Your items will be added to the mix and you'll receive a "pass" for attending the swap free of charge.

3) SWAP IT!!!
On September 30th, get ready to swap with your fellow hot mamas!  For anyone who wants to attend the swap but doesn't have items to swap, you can  still attend. We are asking you to make a $10 donation in exchange for a bag you can fill with whatever you want.  All the proceeds from the event and the left over items will go to The Mary Jane House.  For everyone else, the amount of items you take are based on an honor system, so you  get to take home the same amount of items you brought.  We greatly encourage everyone to BYOB. Bring your own reusable tote bag(s) to take home your new wardrobe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Organic Nursing Bra is Back!

A perennial favorite around here, the organic nursing sleep bra from 1 in the Oven by Mayreau is back in stock at Hot Mama Maternity. Stop by to pick yours up while they last. It's soft as a cloud and ultra comfortable. A perfect fit for lounging around the house and nursing baby. Available in light blue only. $44

Monday, August 30, 2010

Tummy Wraps

It's A Cinch

Postpartum tummy wraps

Stroller Traffic

Girdles, cinchers, compressors—call 'em what you want, postpartum tummy wraps are making a huge comeback. They're controversial, to say the least. But what we really wanted to know is: Do they work?

"For many women, there's a postpartum loss of sensation in different parts of the abdominals," says post-natal Pilates instructor Alana Reed.

"Critical to getting the 'post-baby belly' back in shape is re-conditioning the transverse abdominus—the muscle responsible for scooping the abs in and up. A cincher is great for helping women gain sensation and actually feel the ab muscles again." But Reed and her Movin' Mamas partner Randi Stone agree that cinchers should not be used as anything other than a prop: "It's great for reminding women how it feels to use the ab muscles, however the key is to work on replicating that feeling sans cincher."

Fitnotic founder Sheryl Wilson takes it a step further saying that only one product on the market actually helps to tighten postpartum abs: theDiastasis Rehab Splint (a.k.a. the Tupler Splint), a criss-cross binder of sorts designed to reverse postpartum diastasis—the splitting of the "six-pack" muscles. "The rest of the girdle and belly band styles that have been around forever give you the sensation of sucking in, so you look flatter while you're wearing it. But as soon as you take them off, everything is blech—out there," laughs Wilson. "They don't do anything to help you get back in shape more quickly than someone who doesn't wear one."

In the end, if you choose to wear a wrap for cosmetic reasons, Yummy Mummy owner Amanda Cole recommends the Belly Bandit . "It's one step: wrap around and velcro shut. Voila! No matter how amazing a product is, a new mom will only use it if it's quick and easy."

Belly Bandits are available now at Hot Mama.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you want to learn more about Healthy Pregnancy?

Come join other moms for a HEALTHY PREGNANCY LECTURE by BOOB GURU, NICKY LAWNSBY of Baby Awearness!!! ~ august 15, 6:30pm at Manoa Marketplace 2nd floor in Baby Awearness. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hands Free Pumping Bustier

Just Arrived at Hot Mama Maternity, As Seen on the hit TV show Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami. Introducing Simple Wishes Bustier...
allows multi-tasking moms the chance to be more productive while they pump, or simply to take a breath and recapture a moment for themselves. Stylish and functional, and grounded in innovative, thoughtful design, the Bustier is an affordable and quality alternative to the fussy and unflattering hands free alternatives on the market.

How to wear the Simple Wishes Hands Free Bustier

Determine the width you need to create a snug fit around your rib cage.

Place velcro on back panel and adjust the width accordingly.
Zip in optional center panel if additional space is needed between breasts.

Insert each breast shield/flange into the circular opening.

Need a little more help? Seesize chart for details.

Features and Benefits of the Hands Free Pumping Bra

  1. Achieve a Tight Seal

    Every body is different, therefore we’ve created a fit that is adjustable for your unique body. With two front zippers the Simple Wishes Hands Free Pumping Bustier allows you to move the breast shields closer together or further apart by 2 inches, creating a perfect fit just for you.
  2. Many Ways to Wear

    The Simple Wishes Hands Free Pumping Bustier has been designed with elastic reinforcement at the top for a secure fit, ensuring no slipping. For additional security the versatile Bustier comes with two straps which can be worn in halter, tank or racerback style. The Bustier can be worn on it’s own or slipped over your nursing bra with the flaps pulled down.
  3. Four Way Layering Support

    Secure and maintains a tight seal for breast shields.

  4. Maintain a Perfect Fit Over Time

    The Simple Wishes Hands Free Pumping Bustier will adjust to the ever-changing needs of a mom. For those full, and not-so-full times and the changes of size increase or decrease over time, the Bustier's velcro back panel allows you to adjust the ribcage band size by 10 inches to adapt to your needs.

Simple Wishes Hands-Free Pumping Bustier

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is Pregnancy a Disability?

Is Pregnancy a Disability?

Attorney Bernard L. Shapiro

Dr. Suzanne G. Kitchen

A Pregnant Construction Worker
Pregnant women are amazing in their endurance and strength. Without batting an eye, the majority of pregnant women continue to work right up until their due date, despite all the physical and mental changes that are occurring. They manage to juggle the same level of work, maintain a home with all the associated cooking and cleaning tasks, along with responsibility of tending to other children carrying the same fervor and dedication as when they were not pregnant.
In 28 years of obstetrical practice, my admiration and respect for pregnant women is without limits. However, during pregnancy, sometimes some women may experience symptoms, such as nausea, back pain, limited mobility, circulatory problems, or fatigue, which may affect the ability to perform job duties. When this happens, pregnant women often want to explore various options with their employer, such as making modifications to the job duties or work schedule, while others may want to “go out” on disability. Few patients and obstetricians are familiar with employers’ responsibilities and employees’ rights under federal and state employment laws so I thought this week’s blog might be a good place to broaden everyone’s knowledge. In the US, we have over 4 million pregnant women each year. With at least half of them in the workforce, I am sure you will agree that this topic is pertinent and timely.
Is Pregnancy a Disability?
Let’s start by looking at the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended). The ADA is a civil rights law that protect people with disabilities from being discriminated against, and require the employer to make “reasonable accommodations” to help the person perform the job duties. Pregnancy, generally speaking, is not considered a disability under these laws. That’s because pregnancy (by itself) does not measure up to the definition of disability under these laws. That definition says: a person must have an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Is there EVER a time that pregnancy can be considered a disability?
Some women experience complications caused by pregnancy, or have disabilities in addition to the pregnancy, and these women may be considered disabled under these laws. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) “because pregnancy is not the result of a physiological disorder, it is not an impairment. Complications resulting from pregnancy, however, are impairments.”
If a pregnant woman works for an employer with 15 or more employees, and meet the definition of disability, one could initially request a job accommodation under the ADA. For example, pregnant women may need a lifting aid or an ergonomic chair, a modified schedule, performing the job in an alternative fashion (for example, while elevating the feet), and in some cases, even job reassignment. To learn more about job accommodations for women who are pregnant, or who have other types of disabling conditions, contact the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a service of the US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, or read JAN’s article here:
If a pregnant woman is not considered disabled, but has pregnancy-related limitations that affect her ability to work, how should the employer meet her needs?
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This civil rights law can apply to pregnant women who have typical limitations associated with pregnancy, such as varicose veins or back pain, and are not protected by the ADA. They still may need some job modifications in order to perform the duties safely and comfortably. The PDA requires an employer with 15 or more employees to treat women with pregnancy-related conditions the same as other employees with other types of temporary conditions (such as a broken bone). According to the EEOC, if an employee is temporarily unable to perform her job because of her pregnancy, the employer must treat her similarly as any other temporarily disabled employee. For example, according to the EEOC, if the employer allows temporarily disabled employees to modify tasks, perform alternative assignments, or take disability leave or leave without pay, the employer also must allow an employee who is temporarily disabled because of pregnancy to do the same. To learn more about the PDA, click here.
If a pregnant woman is forced to leave her job because of pregnancy and/or disability, does she have any measure of job protection?
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that applies to employers with 50 or more employees. The employee must have worked for 1 year, or 1,250 hours within that year. This law provides 12 weeks of job-protected leave, generally unpaid. So, for pregnant women whose pregnancy-related conditions are severe enough to warrant no longer working during the pregnancy—for example, hypertension or heart disease, FMLA can cover their absence from work, with job security. While many women would like to use all 12 weeks of FMLA post-delivery, sometimes it is necessary to begin using it prior.
Are there monetary or compensation benefits to help pregnant women who cannot work?
Yes, in most states there are plans, and each one is different. Five states have mandated short term disability coverage that can be used for pregnancy: CA, HI, NJ, NY, and RI. Most states will allow a pregnant woman to apply for unemployment benefits, though not every state will award payments. Contact each state’s Department of Labor to inquire about benefits for which you may be eligible:http://www.dol.gov/whd/america2.htm
Some pregnant women may work for employers that provide short-term disability plans through a private insurance plan. Sometimes this benefit is provided, though most of the time it is an opt-in program for which the employee pays a premium. If an employee has a short-term disability policy available, the employee should enquire with Personnel or Human Resources about using it to cover a leave of absence during pregnancy. Most often, such benefits can be used for any short-term condition, pregnancy included.
On occasion, a pregnant woman who is also disabled can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Eligibility for that program is governed by Social Security Administration (SSA). SSA’s websitehttp://www.ssa.gov can help people determine if and when they should file a claim for benefits. The legal description of ”disability“ varies in private insurance claims, various State programs and the Federal Social Security program. A knowledgeable attorney, working with the physician, knows the descriptions of disability under the various programs and the effects of the medical conditions. They are in the best possible position to assess and advise as to potential qualification for disability benefits.
What should a pregnant woman do if she feels she is being discriminated against in the workforce?
Pregnant women might experience discrimination in the workplace because of pregnancy or disabling condition. They have the ability to file complaints with the EEOC under the ADA or the PDA by calling 1-800-669-4000. Pregnant women who are denied leave under the FMLA can file complaints with the DOL by calling 1-866-487-9243. Statute of limitations for timely filing applies for such complaints.
Though pregnancy is rarely considered a disability, accommodations can sometimes be obtained by using the ADA, but more likely, job modifications can be obtained by using the PDA, and leave obtained by using the FMLA. Helping a pregnant woman obtain adjustments in the workplace that allow her to continue working is ideal, but not possible for everyone. Thus, when necessary, the obstetrician can help a pregnant woman become eligible for disability benefits by writing adequate documentation about her condition. Patients must let the obstetrician know all the signs and symptoms necessary to document the case so it can be provided to the employer and help secure job accommodations or eligibility for special benefits, such as short term disability. Also, it should be stated that pregnancy is not a guarantee of a secure position regardless of how you perform your job, in all instances. If a pregnant woman cannot perform her job properly, even with modifications, an employer has the right to terminate her position despite the fact that she is pregnant.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hot Mama's Happy Trunk

Did you know that we have a $10 sale trunk at the store?

Whenever we have marked down inventory, remnant stock, or something that's still adorable but just too "last season," we throw it into the sale trunk and spread happiness into the universe.

So whenever you feel you need a little lift in your day or want to splurge with restraint, then stop by and check out our happy trunk.

The trunk is replenished about every other month so the more frequently you visit us, the more goodies you'll get to enjoy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bella Materna Sale!

From now through the month of July, all Bella Materna nursing nighties are only $30 with the purchase of a regular-priced Bella Materna nursing bra.
These nursing nighties feel luxuriously soft and are sophisticated enough to double as a dinner dress on a date with your hubby or an evening out with friends. Usually priced at $75.00 and $115.00, stop into Hot Mama to grab this rare deal while it lasts!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hot Mama Favorite

Mama & Baby Bird Nightie Set

I love this mother and baby pajama set. For mom, it is actually a cotton nursing nightie that's super soft, comfortable, and lightweight. For baby, it's an easy-to-wear, kimono style outfit that is too adorable!

They make a great gift, whether for yourself or someone else. Chemise, $65.00 and Pajama, $38.00

~ Lani

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beautiful Nursing Bras

We are now carrying a selection of nursing bras by Amoralia.

Second skin lavender print  *best seller*
A brilliant, practical nursing bra in supportive microfibre so comfortable you won’t even feel you're wearing it. The cross-over design means that the bra is plunging at the front but still very supportive.

A lovely everyday cotton nursing bra with pretty lace detail on the neckline and straps.

Embrace with magnetic straps
A great everyday nursing bra in a cool microfibre fabric. This bra features unique patented magnetic clips that make breastfeeding a doddle (just snap and click). Each clip can support a 2kg weight and  feels totally secure.

About Amoralia
Amoralia is the brainchild of Jules Fossett. An ex-advertising strategist, she was struck and bewildered by the obvious gap in the market that lacked beautiful maternity lingerie. Spurred on by the pleas from her pregnant sisters, colleagues, and friends, the idea of stylizing nursing and maternity wear took hold and Amoralia became a reality.

"I'll be honest -- I have never been pregnant. So it may seem surprising that I set up a company dedicated to making the most beautiful maternity underwear on the market. I do know, however -- like you -- that luxury lingerie is one of those things that can instantly make us feel more feminine and sparkling. Why would pregnant women not feel the same?"

Our designer, formerly at some of the UK's hottest designer brands has just had a little girl and has therefore designed a range that is not only glamorous but supportive, practical and seriously comfortable too.

After researching, testing and tweaking, speaking to experienced midwives and dozens of pregnant and breastfeeding women, the Amoralia design team solved recurring issues that came up with nursing moms: invisible nursing clips, pretty straps, breast pad holders, briefs cut to flatter larger bottoms. Elegance, innovation and empathy are at the heart of the brand. Amoralia donates a percentage of their profits to Tommy’s, a charity that aims to end the heartache caused by premature birth, miscarriage and stillbirth."

Friday, May 21, 2010

The softest swaddles in the world

Aden + Anais bamboo swaddles are back in stock. These natural muslin fiber cloths are luxuriously soft and its generous size makes swaddling all the easier. You can also use swaddles as stroller covers, burp cloths, tummy time blankets, nursing cover and more.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our next Hot Mama Networking Event

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what hot mamas are made of ...

What: Sweet Tooth, Sweet Spot, Sweet Deals! Soiree for our favorite mamas
Where: Hot Mama Maternity & Baby aWEARness in the Manoa Marketplace, 2752 Woodlawn Dr., 2nd Floor
When: Thursday, June 3, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

You voted and we're coming through. Our next Hot Mama Networking Event is all about you and your sweet tooth. We'll provide the Spirits and Sweets; you bring your favorite dessert recipe and if you so choose a sample of sweets to share. After the event, we will scan everyone's recipes into a one-of-a-kind Hot Mama Network Digital Cookbook.

Children are totally welcome but babysitters are encouraged. Take a night to yourself and indulge!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mama + Baby, Together At Last

Check out our new postcards featuring this year's Hot Mama Dana Pinho and Co.! 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We are on facebook now!

Follow us on facebook and be the first to know about all kinds of upcoming specials and promos.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Picasso, Motherhood, 1901

The staff of Hot Mama Maternity and Baby aWEARness wish you a very happy Mother's Day and share some thoughts about being a mom.

Mel, owner, Hot Mama Maternity
I adore being a mom. It's when my son looks up at me and for no reason at all says "Mommy, I love you." It just melts my heart every time. I also adore when my daughter is nursing and she strokes my hair and smiles at me with her eyes; she absolutely warms my soul with one look.

Anna, store manager, Hot Mama Maternity
I guess I never realized the saying my own mom said to me when I was little, "You'll never know real unconditional love until you become a mom." And she's right on that one. I love being a mom because it gives me joy to see my own child grow each day. I love that I am the one resposible in his deveploment. He is beautiful and perfect to me. I love him for all his little smiles, touches, stares, sounds. I can't wait for more of what's to come. I especially love him because he is one created together by me and my loving husband.

Ashley, owner, Baby aWEARness
My favorite thing about being a mother is watching my little baby intellectually and physically develop. Everyday she learns something new and it is amazing.

I love the joy on my son's face when he makes new discoveries and tells me stories and when he attacks me with kisses.

Julliet, store manager, Baby aWEARness
I love hearing the sound of my children's laughter; I love watching them learn and discover their inner strengths through experiences they encounter. I'm their biggest fan and am honored to be their mom. My own appreciation for my mom has deepened through my experiences. happy Mother's Day ~ here's to us!

Laughing and playing with my little one is a lot of fun. My baby has a great sense of humor.

Care to share about your favorite part or moment about being a mom? We would love to know!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Keep those baby legs warm

Baby Legs are back and more stylish than ever at Hot Mama Maternity! Check out the fun colors and happy patterns for boys and girls. They make great gifts and there are so many ways to wear them: as leg or arm warmers, or tights. It's the style accessory for fashionistas of all ages.

Baby Legs also are a great compliment to potty training.

Prices vary from $9.00 and $12.00 per pair.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Preggie Pop Drops

Most of the time, there is a bittersweet prelude to sharing the good news: morning sickness and first-trimester nausea. In those early weeks, what felt like perhaps the onset of a cold or flu turns out to be a little being in your bump-to-be. To ease the malaise that can make these first weeks or months difficult, try some Preggie Pop Drops. Made with brown rice syrup and cane juice, these little treats are a natural way to bring relief to morning sickness and nausea. Drug-free and doctor recommended, Preggie Pop Drops come in a variety of flavors such as raspberry, green apple, lemon and tangerine.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Organic swaddle from Aden + Anais

The Darling Organic swaddle, perfectly named for its pure softness and adorableness.

The organic collection by Aden + Anais is not only made out of certified organic cotton but are made in a planet-friendly, socially responsible way. Woven with a dash of recycled water, sunshine (solar power) and a whole lot of love, these swaddles will keep your baby warm and safe. All Aden + Anais organic swaddles are stamped with the Global Organic Textile Standard label. Now available at Hot Mama Maternity.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Diaper Bag that's a Daily Bag

New Storksaks are in!

If you're looking for a cool, hip accessory that makes a fashion statement and can double as a diaper bag, then Storksak is for you.



A Little Help from the Belly Bandit

This nifty post-partum wrap is many things in one: not only is it an abdominal compression binder designed to shrink your belly back to shape, but it also provides leg and back support as well as posture support for breastfeeding moms.

The best part is no one will know you are wearing one under your clothes! With a sleek construction and made out of breathable material, the Belly Bandit® will work its wonders as you go about your day. Especially if you've had a C-section, the Belly Bandit® made of bamboo will not irritate skin as its fibers are anti-bacterial and oh-so-soft on skin.

If you ever wonder how those celebrities get their pre-pregnancy figure back so quickly, wonder no more. Hot Mama Maternity has all sizes available in the bamboo version. Stop by the shop and check out the Belly Bandit® today! (LL)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hot Mama Maternity and Baby aWEARness are proud to announce Hawaii's 2010 Hot Mama: Dana Pinho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like so many of the nominees, Dana is an amazing woman whose positive energy, perseverance, and ability to be a mother, friend, wife, and community leader gracefully encompasses what being a Hot Mama is.

Along with having an awe-inspiring, energetic and creative energy, Dana maintains her positive attitude and still has what it takes to put on a pair of stilettos to walk proudly into a room full of strangers. As if being a mother of four isn't challenging enough, Dana is starting a non-profit to assist other mothers who share similar struggles that she herself faced.

As the face of Hot Mama Maternity and Baby aWEARness, Dana will enjoy an entire day of pampering at Allure Spa & Salon, followed by a professional photoshoot with Island Style Images. Once Dana has picked out her favorite shots, we will begin featuring Dana in all of our advertising and community outreach materials.

Since the contest has introduced so many wonderful women into our lives, we are going to begin hosting several fun Hot Mama inspired events to continue to recognize, appreciate, and most importantly unite all the soulful, driven beautiful women on this island. Please stay tuned as we work out the details of our growing Hot Mama Network!

We hope that you will continue to be a part of our Baby aWEARness/Hot Mama 'ohana. We will make sure to keep you in the loop on special events and as always, you are always welcome to stop by to say hello, seek advise, check out the new products and classes we have to offer, or simply just to get out of the house! We are always looking for ideas on new classes to host, products to carry or any other ideas you may have.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of this wonderful celebration. We have enjoyed hosting this contest and being truly have been inspired by all of the heartfelt stories we received.

Dana, proud mother of four was nominated by two of her sons, Kris and Kyler Younge, with the assistance of their dad Chris. In their loving words, they describe Dana as such:

What celebrity mom or historical/political figure are they most like and why?
Our mom is like Jenny McCarthy. Jenny McCarthy took challenging circumstances that her family experienced and used it to educate and empower other families. She took her sons diagnosis of Autism and fought endlessly until she found ways to help alieviate his struggles. Her steadfast dedication and love for her son affected many in great ways.

While Jenny McCarthy experienced autism, our mom experienced prematurity. All of us were born premature, varying from 25-34 weeks. Each time, our mom was there right by our side. Even through news that would have crumbled the resolve of the average woman, she always stood strong and never waivered. She would not accept no for an answer when it came to our wellbeing. Even through months and months of hospitalization, she still came nearly every day to see us. Even when we were to sick to be held or touched, she would come just to look at us and tell us that she was there.

Even through our struggles with prematurity, our mom finds ways to give back. She makes sure we know that the March of Dimes helps babies that were born like us and encourages us to donate a part of our allowance to them. She really tries to get people to support the March of Dimes March for Babies and their other efforts to raise funds for sick and premature babies. She tells us it's so that one day no family will have to go through what our family has gone through.

Our mom is a shiny lip gloss, mascara, bright-pink cape wearing super mom, just like Jenny McCarthy.

What would their family say makes them the best mom ever?
Our mom is the best mom because she is perfectly imperfect. Sometimes she forgets to brush her teeth (and hair), but she always carries a toothbrush and toothpaste in her bag so that when she remembers she won't have morning breath. That's a great thing, too, because sometimes we forget and at least we can borrow hers. Once in a while she lets us eat popcorn and kaki mochi for lunch, but she always puts in furikaki (because we need our veggies, too!) When we're sick and accidentally vomit on the carpet or on the bed because we thought we weren't going to be sick, she always checks to make sure we are okay before magically making the stink and smell dissapear.

In all seriousness, our mom is incredible. She has sacrificed so much, asked for so little, gives more than what everyone expects, is loyal to a fault and loves so freely. When she found out she was pregnant with our twin brothers she went on a quest to give them a fighting chance at making it as closest to term as possible. She gave up her favorite foods and drinks because they weren't good for pregnant woman to have, good-bye to her favorite fish and caffinated drinks she so loved and hello to organic and local grown produce! She eliminated as much stress as possible and added exercise to her day to provide the most perfect environment for her growing babies.

When our twin brothers were born prematurely at 26 weeks despite all of our moms efforts to keep them in as long as possible, she did everything she could to provide the best for them. She pumped breastmilk every two hours around the clock for over 3 months because preemies have risks for an intestinal disorder called NEC and breast milk is the best prevention for NEC. She pushed for them to co-bed as soon as possible because it was good for growth. Even when doctors told her that she wouldn't be able to breastfeed her twins until many months later, at 30 weeks she realized that one twin had signs of being ready to nurse and fought to do so. Surprising the doctors and nurses, our tiny two and a half pound brother nursed for 7 minutes and never took a step back since then. When 2 months later she stopped producing as much milk, she consulted every professional she could reach in order to find out how to keep up production of milk to feed twins. Though many doctors said that most moms can't and won't make enough milk to successful exclusively feed twins, she managed to find someone to help and has managed to provide them with breast milk till this day.

Then through December and January one of our twin brothers was hospitalized. Our mom made this incredibly stressful situation as easy as it could be on our family. She allowed us to learn about our brothers condition and participate in his care, so that his equpitment at home would not be as intimdating for us. She allowed us to see that he was the same brother we had, he just had a few extra "accessories" now. During this time our baby brother refused feedings by everyone but our mom, so when she should have been celebrating the holidays she instead spent weeks driving back and forth from our home to the hospital in order to feed both of our twins (since one would only breastfeed and the other had never had a bottle before). Some days she spent hours driving back and forth from the hospital to our home (sometimes five or six times a day), or waiting in the parking lot of the hospital for hours because one of our twin brothers was not allowed to visit and he still needed to eat. Our mom still manages to spend time with us all and provide our brother with the medical care he needs, most of the time single handedly. When he was discharged, even though our schedule still is booked with our twin brother's medical appointments we still get to do fun things.

Our mom does everything she can to better us as a family. She has done everything from adding better foods to our diet and showing us why local, organic produce is the best for us (we even tried to grow okra) to allowing us to participate in making our twin brothers baby food (our favorite is applesauce because we eat it too). She gives us enough room to grown, but enough guidance to keep us grounded. She loves us so much, but allows us to make our own mistakes.

Why should they be Hawaii's Next Hot Mama?
Our mom is Hawaii's Next Hot Mama because she is the mom that everyone would die for. She manages to mix cookies while carrying both of our twin brothers. She manages to make tofu taste like steak. Our mom rocks because even when she has challenging days with our little brother, we still get time with her alone. OUr mom is the best because she still manages to be humble and has incredible amounts of love despite going through so much.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nursing Bras, a Mom's Breast Friend

Breastfeeding frees a mother from all the usual diaper bag paraphernalia -- bottles, cooler, water, formula powder-to-go -- but there is one key item that all nursing moms should have on herself: a good nursing bra.

Many new mothers may think a nursing bra is more of an accessory, but it really is a necessity. They provide comfort, support, and convenience while helping a mother to perform one of the most important maternal acts: feeding baby from her very own body. Nursing bras are designed with cups that open or lower at the front with snaps or hook-on straps. The best nursing bras allow moms to undo a cup quickly and easily with one hand.

Hot Mama Maternity store manager Anna suggests that pregnant moms come in sometime at the end of their eighth month or after week 36 to get an initial fitting. "A mother-to-be can increase up to two cup sizes and even gain an inch or two in their ribcage during pregnancy."

A proper fitting by a professional can avoid problems down the line as an ill-fitting bra, or the construction of a non-nursing bra, sometimes can lead to plugged ducts and/or mastitis (breast infection). The added pressure on lactating breasts by regular underwire bras can also lead to clogged ducts.

Buy one or two nursing bras to have on hand for those first weeks after baby's birth. Once a mother's milk is established and she becomes acclimated to her new breasts, getting more nursing bras, usually in that first postpartum month, is fine. Three to five bras should be enough to meet a full-time nursing mother's needs.

Once you have your nursing bras, don't forget to get cotton nursing pads to absorb leaking milk. Also look into a few good nursing tops that provide added discretion for when you feed your baby in public settings. For at-home comfort, breastfeeding moms can also wear nursing camisoles, tanks, nightgowns, and pajamas.

At Hot Mama Maternity, we offer a complete line of fashionable and high-quality nursing bras and wear that will make mothers feel comfortable, beautiful, and stress-free through their breastfeeding relationship with baby. (LL)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Pure Pregnancy

At the moment I discovered I was pregnant, which was at 7 weeks, I realized, I'm a mother. Although my baby was yet a tiny bean in utero, I knew that I was already responsible for the well-being and health of my little one.

One way to nurture the precious new life within your blossoming body is to be conscious of what you ingest and feed yourself. Green Guide by National Geographic offers all kinds of great tips to organic living and ways to take care of yourself and the planet. This knowledge becomes all the more valuable when you're pregnant. It can be both enlightening and a bit frightening to wade through the information out there, but it's definitely worth the effort.

For myself, I was determined to have as pure a pregnancy as possible. Besides eating organic food, I wanted to use natural or organic products that would minimize my chemical exposure to the baby growing within me. I was especially frustrated with the difficulty in finding a great skincare line. Even when the box said "natural," the label noted a slew of "chemical" ingredients.

Then I discovered pure & true.

Free from parabens, artificial fragrances and colors, sulphates, phthalates, and petroleum-derived ingredients, pure & true skincare offers the real experience in organic beauty. From cleanser to masque, all of its products feature plant or floral ingredients such as organic aloe juice, avocado, rooibos tea, and kelp that are almost good enough to eat!

Hot Mama Maternity carries the full line of pure & true skincare, including mini-kits that are great for traveling or as a starter set. Stop in to check out our in-store samples and we can help get you started on your pure pregnancy. (LL)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Swaddle Sweetly

One of the best ways to keep your newborn feeling cozy and secure is with a swaddle blanket. Swaddling can enhance peaceful sleeping for baby and soothe them from their crying, especially because the very nature of swaddling mimics the warmth and comfort of being inside mama's belly.

Aden + Anais features an adorable line of cotton muslin swaddles, gentle on baby's skin but durable for everyday use. Each set comes with four generously sized blankets, each with a distinct pattern. Once the swaddling phase is over, Aden + Anais swaddles are perfect for using as stroller covers, burp cloths, changing table sheet, or anything else!

Swaddle blankets are the perfect baby shower gift. Stop by Hot Mama Maternity to pick up a set or two. (LL)

How to Swaddle Your Baby:
Step 1
Lay the swaddle in a diamond shape and fold the top corner down to form a triangle. Place your baby in the center of the folded area with baby's head just above the fold of the swaddle. Ensure that baby's shoulders are still below the fold.

Step 2
Place baby's right arm slightly bent at the elbow flat against her body. Take the left side of the swaddle and bring it across baby's chest. Ensure their arm is securely under the fabric. Tuck the edge of the swaddle under her body to ensure a secure swaddle.

Step 3
Fold the bottom of the swaddle up and over baby's feet

Step 4
Finally, place baby's left arm slightly bent at the elbow against her body, take the right side of the swaddle and bring it across baby's chest. Tuck the excess fabric underneath baby to secure the swaddle.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bella Bands Galore!

One of the cleverest maternity inventions around, BellaBands keep mamas-to-be comfortable and still fashionably hot during pregnancy and even those post-partum months.

What is it and how does it work?

Just a simple band (almost like a tube top) that snugly wraps around the waist line keeps your favorite pre-pregnancy jeans, pants, shorts, and skirts, or even loose maternity pants, in place as your belly blossoms.

A BellaBand can be used at any time during your pregnancy:

At 18 weeks, you can still wear your favorite pre-pregnancy jeans, unbuttoned.

At 25 weeks, you can also use the BellaBand to hold up maternity clothes that you still need to grow into.

At 32 weeks, you can wear and fold down the BellaBand over your pants to keep your very “ripe” belly from pushing down on pants.

After birth, you can remain comfortable using the BellaBand with both maternity and non-maternity clothes as you whittle back down to your pre-pregnancy size.

Stop by Hot Mama Maternity to pick up one, two, or three! A must-have in different colors (black, brown, sand, silver, white ...) we now have them available with a lace trim too! (LL)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Dunstan Method

Add a mother's instinct plus a musician's ear together and what do you get?

A whole new way of understanding and unlocking the meanings behind your baby's cry.

The Dunstan System, a method of learning how to read a baby's cries, was created after Australian opera singer Priscilla Dunstan observed, interpreted, and responded to her son's cries. Essentially, babies communicate their needs by crying for different reasons, and if you listen carefully, you will begin to notice that a unique need elicits a different sound of cry.

The Dunstan DVD will help parents learn the different types of crying there are and what they mean so they can know whether baby needs to be burped, changed, fed, held, or put to sleep. This method is a revolutionary new way of taking care of your baby -- not simply by a schedule or a clock -- but by truly connecting with your baby even without words.

Pick up your Dunstan DVD at Hot Mama through the end of January and receive 10% off your DVD purchase. Just mention: Hot Mama blog. (LL)